Classical Guitar

I started playing classical music seriously about 4 years ago. A friend
of mine suggested I take lessons from a local teacher by the name of
Mike Kleat. Mike taught me how to play guitar all over again. Over the 4
years I have grown to hate Mike because he knows everything there is to
know about the instrument and he makes me look sick. Oh well, maybe one
day I'll be able to do for a young student what Mike has done for me. In
the meantime, I'll keep practicing.

"WANTED- Charvette guitars(Made by
Charvel). Will pay reasonable price for the best discontinued Charvel
guitar ever made."

Check Out some of my favorite Classical Guitar Links

Classical Guitar Aficionados' Page
The Classical Guitar Home Page
The Guitar Salon
The Guitar and Lute Music Page
Spencer Doidge's Guitar Page
Classical Guitar FAQ
International Guitar Registry
Guitar Foundation of America
Jeff Covey's Guitar Page
Online Archive of Guitar Links

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*The guitars in the background are worth $12,000 apiece and that's used.